Sustainability Promotion Structure

Sustainability Promotion Structure

The Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee is the body that approves resolutions concerning environmental, social, and governance policy, strategy, and structure, based on the Sustainability Policy. It also functions as a body that shares information on the status of activities, valuation results, and analysis of the sustainability of the investment corporations.

The Sustainability Committee

Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)

The President & CEO of KJRM Holdings has been appointed Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). CSO as the committee chairman reports the matter confirmed by the Sustainability Committee to the Board of Directors, chaired by the President & CEO and works to share awareness of issues and raise awareness levels.

Person in Charge of Sustainability

Sustainability officers in each related division are responsible for driving activities aligned with our sustainability goals.
In addition, Sustainability officers lead and hold meetings as necessary to discuss and review Sustainability-related issues and promotion methods in detail at the working level (hereinafter referred to as “subcommittees”), either within the division or in cooperation with other divisions. Through the subcommittees, individual issues are discussed, and information is shared to raise awareness and understanding of the issues among those in charge, and to integrate Sustainability considerations into the daily investment and management process.

Main agenda to be resolved/reported (2024)

  • Establishment of sustainability goals
  • Establishment of internal carbon price
  • Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations (quantitative analysis)
  • Review and establishment of frameworks related to sustainable finance
  • Publication of the Sustainability Report
  • Research report on TNFD recommendations and biodiversity certification
  • Annual report on Positive Impact Finance
  • Report on Eligible Green Projects, etc.