Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation (JMF) and Industrial & Infrastructure Fund Investment Corporation (IIF), together with their asset management company KJR Management (the Company) and KJR Holdings (collectively "KJRM Group"), are pursuing the Company’s mission of "Always Create New Value for People, the Community, and the World" by undertaking initiatives to solve issues based on the “practicing Responsible Property Investment and contributing to solve global issues” as our sustainability strategy.
JMF and IIF aim to achieve net zero by 2050, and are steadily progressing with initiatives such as introducing renewable energy and energy-saving equipment toward their medium-term goal of reducing total Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 42% by 2030 compared to FY2020, FY2021 respectively. Regarding climate change, in response to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), we disclosed a quantitative analysis of the financial impact of risks and opportunities. We use internal carbon prices to estimate the impact of regulations on emissions, and also refer to external data to estimate the impact of physical risks and opportunities.
Furthermore, regarding natural capital, we conducted an initial review of the assessment and analysis of nature-related issues pertaining to JMF and IIF based on the LEAP approach recommended by the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). Additionally, as part of efforts to maintain biodiversity, JMF and IIF have made green spaces available to the local community at some of the properties they own and are carrying out activities in the green spaces in collaboration with various experts. We have also taken steps with an awareness of the transition to a circular economy. In the large-scale renovation of G-Building Minami Ikebukuro 01 , which is owned by JMF, the continued use of the building structure through renovations utilizing recycled materials was recognized as successfully reducing waste and embodied carbon, signifying JMF's second Positive Impact Real Estate Investment consistent with the PIF Principles and the PI RE Framework.
On the social front, in addition to seeking to respect human rights and promote DEI, we also engage in a wide range of social contribution activities. JMF and IIF are implementing initiatives to coexist with and contribute to local communities, such as concluding comprehensive partnership agreements with local governments with the aim of revitalizing local communities. Moreover, employees have taken the initiative in implementing matching donation programs and participating in charity activities.
With respect to governance, we continually hold compliance training with all officers and employees to promote ethical behavior though complying with laws and regulations and raising awareness among officers and employees. We will continue to strive to practice sound management based on our Code of Ethics, consisting of the Corporate Ethics Charter and the Code of Conduct for Officers and Employees.
JMF, IIF and the KJRM Group will continue to strive to consider sustainability issues through real estate asset management, and will aim to increase unitholder value through the medium- to long-term growth of JMF and IIF.