Based on the concept that human resources are our most important asset, KJR Management supports autonomous career development by preparing various development programs so that each employee is able to grow and achieve self-fulfillment through working at the company. As an organization consisting of diverse human resources with different backgrounds, we strive to spread its “Mission, Vision & Core Values” so that employees with various specialties and different values can respect each other and utilize their individual strengths to achieve high performance.
Real-estate transaction specialists | 77 |
ARES certified master | 88 |
First-class architects | 9 |
Real estate appraisers | 12 |
CMA | 6 |
Lawyer | 1 |
CPA | 7 |
Tax accountants | 3 |
MBA | 1 |
CFA Certified Securities Analyst | 1 |
For the purpose of proactive career development and enhancement of expertise, we have been implementing an internal recruitment system that allows employees to be challenged by the duties of their choice, as well as regular transfers by company order based on their own wishes. In addition, to meet the diversified needs for training and support for self-development, we have established a training system that allows employees to take courses at their own request.
In addition to the development of various training programs and the system to support the acquisition and maintenance of qualifications, we are also strengthening performance management to support growth and regular career discussions with supervisors.
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The company encourages all employees including contract staff to acquire certifications for the development of professional human resources in the real estate finance business and covers a portion of the necessary costs as well as offering training opportunities.
In particular, we actively support the acquisition of professional certifications by the Association for Real Estate Securitization (ARES), of which our company is a regular member. When an employee becomes an ARES Certified Master of the Association, the company covers the entire fee for the examination (first time only) and for maintaining the certification. The company also encourages employees to participate in training courses and seminars for those who already have certification.
The company also covers at least a part of the cost required for training, examination, and maintenance of certifications related to work. Many employees tackle the challenges of acquiring certifications.
The company offers cafeteria-style training programs for all employees including contract staff provided by external training providers. The employees can choose and participate in training programs from seminars (more than 1,000 courses every year) for individual job ranks and fields given by professional lecturers.
Covering all employees including contract staff and temporary staff, we provide training conducted by external speakers on the latest trends in expert knowledge required for performing their work. In addition, we offer internal training courses given by our own employees on their specialties to improve knowledge companywide. Furthermore, employees also have opportunities to learn the latest information through e-learning provided several times a year and put it to practical use.
(Examples: Training by External Speakers)
(Examples: Internal Training)
In addition, we provide information on risk management, legal affairs, and ESG.
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We take various measures to enhance people-management skills and leadership of managers and to train next-generation employees.
Newly-promoted managers who have subordinates for the first time are required to attend a training program for managers by an external training organization. We also support our managers actively in improving their skills by offering a leadership development program, a workshop for appraisers, and a training course for interviewers by external lecturers in addition to cafeteria-style training programs that employees can attend according to their individual needs. In addition, we regularly provide a frontline-care training course on mental health for managers to support subordinates from a mental health perspective.
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The company makes efforts to recruit appropriate human resources in a timely manner suited to business situations, organizational structures, and environmental changes for continuous business growth and realization of medium- to long-term strategies.
Specifically, we have created an environment to attract excellent human resources by creating a personnel system that enables flexible working styles, a welfare system in which employees can work in good health with a sense of security, and training programs to develop skills and careers. Furthermore, we regularly explain our corporate philosophy, business strategies and targets, and human resources needed for the achievement of such strategies and targets to employment agencies to hire mid-career workers who meet our needs and can be immediately effective. At the same time, we also employ young workers who are eager to undertake challenges and have high potential. In addition, we have an employee referral system to prevent mismatched employment by hiring workers who better match our corporate culture and expected roles through direct connections with our employees.
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The company's compensation system is applied to all permanent employees. We seek to provide competitive compensation to attract, develop, and retain excellent human resources for our stockholders and investors.
Based on the Total Compensation Approach, fixed pay is determined based on the Pay for Job principle and variable pay is determined based on the Pay for Performance principle. Variable pay reflects the performance of the company and appraisals of employees.
In addition, a long-term incentive system, in which pay is tied to the company's performance and the investment unit prices of managed funds, has been introduced for senior-level employees. The system seeks to avoid outflows of excellent human resources and achieve stable management of the company and to create growth of medium- to long-term funds from the viewpoint of investors and to motivate and reinforce consciousness for performance improvement of the company.
Compensation that employees receive is determined according to their relative achievements and contribution levels compared to the individual targets linked to the organizational targets including sustainability-related targets, the embodiment of the corporate philosophy, and expected roles.
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We have been conducting an Organizational Climate Survey since fiscal 2011 to strengthen engagement by measuring employee satisfaction and continuously implementing improvement measures to realize a pleasant working environment.
Appropriate improvements are made where needed, and systems have been established to create a more comfortable working environment for employees.
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Through dialogue between employees and the management, we are promoting improvement of communication on matters such as sharing the direction of the company and awareness of issues.
Through casual lunch meetings, discussions at the Divisions and direct dialogues with the General Managers and other top management officers, action is taken to assure mutual understanding of the presence of a wide range of views (diversity) within the company, to foster greater solidarity and to resolve issues.
We also emphasize employee training and implement an onboarding program to help new employees acclimate to the working environment quickly and play active roles. Starting with orientation on the first day of work, we offer a variety of opportunities to gain a deep understanding of our management policies, business, organization, and in-house rules such as orientation and OJT programs by the recruiting department, a briefing on the personnel system, compliance training, and orientations by the management and individual division managers. The Human Resources Department interviews new employees one month and six months after they start work to see how they are adapting to the situation and performs follow-ups in cooperation with the departments they work in.
We have also introduced a buddy program, in which a senior colleague becomes the partner of a new employee. The buddy colleague keeps in regular contact with the new employee and supports him/her in acclimating to the new working environment by offering various useful information on the working environment and rules that are necessary in working at the company and answering questions. We also aim to improve job performance capacity by developing personal connections in business through opportunities to meet with employees in other divisions introduced through the buddy. Furthermore, we make efforts to help new employees get accustomed to the working environment early even while working remotely through chat times among new employees and club activities.
The scope of the onboarding program is new employees including recent graduates.
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The company's personnel appraisal system seeks to support realization of business strategies, missions, and corporate philosophy. This system consists of performance appraisal based on the target management method and action appraisal to assess embodiment of the corporate philosophy.
Employees first confirm the roles expected of them, organizational targets, and compliance targets as they set personal targets related to their work. They are also required to set targets concerning cooperation with other divisions, ESG, and participation in training. We make efforts to reinforce teamwork and ESG and support and encourage improvement in employees' skills and abilities.
The appraisal process includes reviews every half year. Each employee has an interview on target setting at the beginning of a term. In the mid-term review, the employee and his/her superior check progress on personal targets and the future process toward target achievement and revise the personal targets if necessary. The term-end review starts with self-appraisals and appraisals by managers. Then an appraisals committee meeting is held with management in order to make fair and impartial appraisals from various viewpoints. After the appropriateness of appraisals is verified and adjustments necessary to keep overall appraisals balance are made, final appraisals are determined. Since we believe that appropriate feedback on appraisal results leads to enhanced expertise, skill development, better performance, and higher motivation of employees, training for appraisers is regularly held to improve appraisals skills and achieve close communication.
Also, employees prepare Career Development Plans, including a short-term plan and a long-term plan that focuses on three years out and have interviews with their supervisors every six months so that they can continue to grow in the organization. Supervisors help employees develop their careers autonomously by understanding short- and long-term career goals, discussing possible support from supervisors, and offering the agreed support.
In addition, we give 360-degree (multifaceted) feedback to all employees including contract staff. Each of our employees can acknowledge their strengths and areas for improvement in job performance and interpersonal relationships by receiving feedback from various stakeholders with whom they interact in the course of their work, and can grow further by developing their expertise, communication skills, and other abilities.
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The Compnay considers its employees to be its most important management resource and essential for carrying out its activities. We are actively working to create conditions where each and every employee can perform their work in a lively manner and to cultivate them accordingly. In addition, we regularly conduct employee opinion polls with the aim of building an even better company. The Company is working to ensure that all employees can work with peace of mind and to improve the benefits it provides to them.
Besides meeting the legal requirements in Japan for employee health and safety, including labor and risk management, we emphasize the prevention of excessive work and understanding the appropriateness of working hours, and is enhancing its system for managing working hours through an original monitoring framework.
In addition to an emphasis on measures aimed at reducing overtime, we require employees to take long-term leave and are taking steps to increase the rate that paid leave is used (with a target of 70%). Moreover, we provide various wellness programs to maintain and improve the mental and physical health of our employees and their families. We have also established the in-house Health Committee comprising employees representing each division and the Human Resources Department. The committee meets once a month to exchange opinions on working conditions alongside industrial physicians and to gain health-related insight. Through these initiatives, we are supporting employees in the preservation of their health.
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The Company has created an environment that allows its employees to work in ways that suit their respective lifestyles and the characteristics of their duties. Toward the maintenance and realization of flexible working styles, it abolished the upper limit on the number of teleworking days and has introduced measures such as a flextime system, working from home and paid leave in units of hours. Expecting that its employees will achieve a better work-life balance and increase productivity, the Company is working to create systems that enable diverse human resources to play an active role.
We are executing strict action on all forms of harassment by boosting employee awareness through in-house training, consultation desk and whistle-blowing system.
Please refer to the Whistle-Blowing and Reporting for further details.
We have developed various welfare systems for all employees, including contract employees as well as regular employees, to ensure that they can work in a healthy and secure environment.
Vacation and leave system: Maternity/childcare leave, nursing care leave, special paid leave for short-term injuries and illnesses, family care special paid leave, and refreshment leave for long service
Insurance for employees: General welfare group term life insurance, and group long-term disability income compensation insurance
Asset formation: Defined contribution pension plan*, and ESOP (Employee investment unit ownership system)
Health promotion: Regular health checkups (complete physical examinations), stress checks, health committee, vaccination assistance, and health consultations by industrial physician
Other: Congratulation and condolence payments, Membership benefits services, Club activities, and Peer bonus system
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The office space has ample natural light coming in through the windows, and plants are placed in various places to create an environment where employees can work comfortably and actively. In addition, individual booths have been set up in consideration of the current work style that combines office and telework.
We have upgraded communal spaces to promote communication with fellow co-workers and have incorporated rest areas where employees can relax and refresh themselves. We also conduct environmental checks periodically to provide comfortable working conditions for employees.
We held a Family Day for the families of our employees. In addition to an office tour, we also held an ink stamp collection tour, business card exchanges for children, and a social event.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Basic Policy
We believe that the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion (“DEI”) leads to better decision-making and results. Based on this idea, the Company is working to create an environment in which each of our people, with various backgrounds and perspectives differing in gender, race, nationality, disabilities, age, experience and other aspects, can be proud of working and fully demonstrate their abilities.
DEI Promotion Structure
Matters concerning DEI are set as one of our Materiality and KPIs, and their progress is reported to the Sustainability Committee. The Human Resources Department promotes the DEI-related initiatives in coordination with each division, including management, in accordance with the Basic Policy.
Initiatives to Promote DEI
Prohibition of Discrimination
The Company believes that it is essential to ensure a safe and comfortable work environment in which each and every officer and employee can fully demonstrate their abilities and concentrate on performing their duties. To this end, in order to clarify our stance that unfair discrimination among officers and employees must not be tolerated, our Code of Ethics stipulates that “officers and employees of the Company shall endeavor to ensure a pleasant work environment and to maintain order in the workplace in which each officer and employee is respected as an individual and can trust each other.” Our Rules of Employment also stipulate that there shall be no unreasonable discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, skin color, nationality, place of birth, sexual orientation, physical characteristics, status as a person with disabilities, or political or religious beliefs.
Work-Life Balance, and Balancing Work and Child Raising
We have formulated an action plan to create a work environment in which employees can achieve work-life balance, and balance work and child raising, while fully demonstrating their abilities.
Promotion of Advancement of Women
We aim to further promote the advancement of women in the workplace.
DEI in Hiring Activities
In hiring activities, it will actively hire people with disabilities and returners* so that people from wide-ranging backgrounds will apply for positions in the Company and develop their abilities through working at the Company.
Rehiring after Retirement
The retirement age in the Company is 65, however, when an employee who has reached the mandatory retirement age wishes to continue working, he or she can do so as we have established a system and workplace environment, utilizing their wealth of experience and knowledge.
DEI and Work-Life Balance
We emphasize DEI and work-life balance. We promote both of those aspects by, for example, offering support and welfare services to help all employees, regardless of whether men or women, who are starting families and raising children. We ensure that we have an organizational climate enabling even male employees to naturally take childcare leave, and employees cooperate with each other in allocating the work of those who are on leave.
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